Get in the Driver's Seat of Your Acting Career

An all-in-one audition tracker, business analytics tool, and relationship manager for serious actors.

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Role: Alex
SAG Feature Film
Role: Jessie
Role: Kai
TV Drama Ep 5
Role: Peyton
Web  Series
Role: Alex
Equalizer 4
Role: Jessie
Toyota commercial
Role: Kai
S.W.A.T.  S2 Ep 6
Role: Peyton
Otterbox UGC

Run Your Acting Career Like a Fortune 500 Business

Import your auditions in one-click
Our Chrome extension imports all your audition data automatically in one-click.
Leave the spreadsheets to the accountants.
Keep it all organized
It's hard to find anything when your auditions are spread out on multiple platforms. Manage them all in one central location.
Track your progress
Small wins make a long career. We'll help you track and celebrate every milestone and you'll love seeing how far you've come.
Personalized audition insights, done for you
Too many actors are content with burying their heads in the sand – for years. Auditional gives you insightful, actionable, easy to read reports based on your personal audition data.
Embrace your numbers
Gain clarity and confidence about your audition, callback, and booking stats. A successful acting career isn’t just about the dream — it’s also about the data.
Discover your brand
Hone in on your top bookable role types so you can double-down on what’s working and (quickly) get rid of what’s not.

Harness the Full Power of Auditional™

Level up your acting career
CTA Image

Build Stronger Industry Relationships

Stay top of mind with casting
Get a breakdown of your most requested casting offices so you never miss an opportunity to send a thank you note or a well-timed email.
Book the room and the relationship
Not every audition goes your way. Auditional gives you more awareness of what worked and what didn't, and then the space to let it all go.

How Auditional™ works

Imagine feeling invested and in-control of your acting career.
Sign up for Auditional™ Beta
Enjoy a 30-day free trial of our Pro plan then automatically get switched to our forever Free plan.
No credit card or commitment required.
Sign up - no credit card required
Track your auditions
Check your auditions like you normally would and then click the "Track in Auditional" button on the page. We'll handle the rest. #easypeasy
Track auditions effortlessly
Breathe easier
Start feeling confident, in-control, and more connected in your acting life. You might even book more 😉.
Book more, sleep better

Pricing plans

Try us out for free.
Pay when you have to.
Get started for free
  • Unlimited manual audition tracking.
  • Automatically import 5 auditions per month.
  • View, Edit, and Sort auditions, callbacks, pins/holds, declines, and bookings.
  • Access to Basic Insights.
You audition for professional,
paying projects.
Start 1-month free trial
  • Unlimited manual audition tracking.
  • Automatically import 25 auditions per month.
  • View, Edit, and Sort auditions, callbacks, pins/holds, declines, and bookings.
  • Access to Advanced Insights.
  • Track and manage  your team of Representatives.
  • Track additional booking details like Acting income, Expenses, and Days on set.
You audition frequently for
paying projects.
per month
Get started
  • Unlimited manual audition tracking.
  • Automatically import 40 auditions per month.
  • All the benefits of Pro plan.
Play around with it first. Pay when you need to later.
per month
Signup for free
  • Import and track up to 7 auditions per month.
  • Import auditions automatically with Chrome extension.
  • View, edit, and sort auditions, callbacks, pins/holds, and bookings.
  • Access to Standard Insights.
Perfect if you audition
3-5 times a week.
per month
Signup for free
  • Import and track up to 20 auditions per month.
  • Import auditions automatically with Chrome extension.
  • View, edit, and sort auditions, callbacks, pins/holds, and bookings.
  • Access to Advanced Insights.
  • Track acting income, expenses, and days worked.
If you audition more than 5 times a week
per month
Signup for free
  • Import and track up to 40 auditions per month.
  • All the benefits of Standard

Frequently asked questions

I know I should be tracking my auditions, but I always forget or I’m too lazy. Is this for me?
Absolutely. In fact, Auditional was made FOR you. Listen, we know the worst part about tracking auditions is—duh, the tracking part. It’s tedious, and time-consuming, and you never know what important bits to track. That’s why our nifty Chrome extension does all the heavy lifting for you. Just check your auditions as you normally would, click the Track button at the top of the page, and BOOM, done-zo.
I've never tracked my auditions. Is this for me?
You're in good company. Over 60% of our current users said they didn’t previously track their auditions. That's how ridiculously easy it is to start using Auditional! 😎
How is this different than using my Google/Excel spreadsheet?
You're an actor, not an accountant. Spreadsheets are fine if all you want is a simple list of your auditions. But Auditional is designed to give you the full picture of what’s happening right now in your acting career. In other words, while a simple spreadsheet might show you the what, Auditional digs deeper to show you the why.
What if I’m not tech-savvy?
Perfect! You don’t need to be. If you’ve ever installed an app on your phone or laptop, then you’re already waaaaaay ahead of the game. Simply go to the Chrome store from your laptop or desktop, click “Install” and we’ll take care of the rest.
What kind of auditions can I track and from where?
The beauty of Auditional is that you can track virtually any type of audition from any platform. While our Chrome extension automatically imports auditions only from Casting Networks (and more on the way), you can manually input auditions from any other casting sites (Backstage, Casting Frontier, Playbill, etc…) just as easily.
Wait, is Auditional an audition tracker or an audition manager?
YES and YES! 😋 Not only does Auditional keep detailed records of all your past auditions, but we also help you manage your current auditions so you never miss a self-tape deadline or double-book your shoot dates.
What about my past auditions? Can I track those?
Yup! In fact, we highly recommend it. Importing 5-7 past auditions as a first step is a great way to populate your audition Dashboard with initial data. This way, you can start seeing some juicy actionable insights that you can use and share with your team ASAP.
How do I know if Auditional is for me?
If you’re tired of fumbling your way through the industry, and you feel like you're constantly throwing spaghetti at the wall without any success, Auditional is for you.

Whether that means you're trying to earn your SAG card, level up your representation, or break through to those juicy guest-star or series regular auditions, you’ll have all the answers you need right in front of you.
When can I start tracking my auditions so I can book more, stress less, and create more momentum in my acting career?
It starts as soon as you login! Sign up for an account today and start tracking your auditions for FREE with Auditional.
What if I don’t want to look at my audition data? (What if looking at my audition numbers stress me out?)
Totally get it. That's why we’ve taken a lot of care to make sure Auditional is helpful, not hurtful. Even if you don’t like what you see, you’ll know your next step, and then the next. You’ll never look back.

Auditional™ is Your Acting Secret Weapon

Get started for free